Monday, October 29, 2007

.Joe Senior Portraits.

.Sara & Joe.

.It's awesome when you get seniors who are dating each other. :) Sara was my first Senior Portrait session this year, and Joe was my final one. Congrats you guys ...... Boo-Yeah Hood River Valley class of 2008!!!

.Ben Senior Portraits.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

.Tory Senior Portraits.

.Wow...I can't believe Tory is graduating. Tory was one of the first people I met when my family moved to Hood River. She was 4 and I was 8. That's crazy how time flies. Now, she's a senior and she's all grown up. I'd tell you a secret about a certain concert Tory, my sister and I went to years ago, but then it wouldn't be a secret anymore, and I'd probably have to kill you.....hahaha j/k. I'd want to die though. Tory, you know what I'm talking about!!!! hahahaha. Oh man. Here are a few of my favorites of Tory:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

.Columbia Gorge Magazine Cover.

I just got the news that my photo is going to be on the Winter cover of the Columbia Gorge Magazine!!!!! YEAH!!!! I'm first cover publication!!!!! :)

Monday, October 15, 2007

.Morgan & McKenna.

.Oh my gosh....I swear sometimes I love shooting children more than anything else. Morgan and McKenna were so great, and so cute!!!! I love kids. I love their personality and sponteneity and just how they interact with one another, especially siblings. It's to die for!!!! :) Thank you Morgan and McKenna for letting me spend an afternoon with you guys!!! Thanks Kristie for supporting the Corbett Auction and winning my photoshoot!! :)

Friday, October 12, 2007